I Was a Sixth Grade Alien (Sixth Grade Alien, #1) (2025)


970 reviews34 followers

May 23, 2012

I need to find words equivalent to "delightful" and "charming" that work to describe boy books.

I'm doing a project on books that would interest reluctant boy readers. I picked this book up at the library figuring it would interest 9-12 year old boys(come on, aliens!), but didn't expect to enjoy it much myself, but the book really surpassed my expectations, turning out to be quite fun. Fun and different and a decent little read. It contained fart jokes here and there (to the delight of the intended audience), but they weren't over the top

I can't figure out exactly what it was about this book that made me like it. Maybe it was just trying to read it in the mind set of the intended audience and thinking how much fun a boy would have with all these aliens and saving the world.

Coville seems to have published widely, so a boy who gets hooked on this series has plenty more to choose from.


Thompson McLeod

245 reviews3 followers

November 29, 2020

New covers and new illustrations update Bruce Coville's 1999 Sixth-Grade Alien series for a new generation of 2020 readers. Illustrations by Glen Mullaly will keep reluctant readers turning the pages. Do not mistake this series for graphic novels. In fact, there are many less illustrations than books like the Wimpy Kid.

For early middle grade readers to grade six.


374 reviews3 followers

September 17, 2021

This was a fun one. Short and cute, fun enough that I’m going to check out the rest of the series. I’ve read lots of Coville books by now, though, and this man’s favorite phrase is “I don’t have the slightest idea.” Lost count of how many times Rod Allbright said it in his books, and now we have Tim in this one.

    2021 bruce-coville

Erika Worley

156 reviews4 followers

December 26, 2018

Totally ridiculous and every alien-loving kid's dream come true!

    my-collection ya-sci-fi


513 reviews

August 2, 2019

Another book I read as a kid, though this one doesnt stand the test of time quiet as well. Weird and fun alien story.

    science-fiction zero-romance

Emily Tyler

395 reviews4 followers

November 10, 2024

a surprisingly rich text about bigotry, misinformation in the media, and fear mongering. throw this in the pile of weird stuff i want to adapt into a play.

Mark Harwood

69 reviews2 followers

January 3, 2025

A charmingly goofy adventure. Lots of zany humor and a few smart character developments.


130 reviews

March 23, 2010

I'm glad I read this. It was funny, action-packed, and not heavy at all on plot or character development, plot structure or believability. I don't know if the Newbery committee would warrant to wipe their arses on this book, had they the chance. And yet, the characters, both purple Pleskit and his new earthling friend, Tim, felt real enough. Some characters had funny names - my favourite being Mikta Makta Mukta. Try saying that 10 times without busting out laughing! The fact that Pleskit came from an alien culture where communication happened not only through speech, but often times with burps, farts and other unpronounceable sounds helps with the hilarity. This really isn't my kind of scifi book, and Coville is no LeGuin. But he is Coville, and that's good enough.

    humourous science-fiction


54 reviews

April 30, 2008

CIP: When aliens come to Earth on an interplanetary trade mission, sixth-grader Tim makes friends with the ambassador’s son and together they uncover a plot to sabotage the mission.

A sure-fire hit for boys (and even girls) that love space alien stories! The main character and visiting alien are put in hilarious situations and manage to find their own way out of trouble by solving a mystery. This should also hook readers into the concept of series and have them wanting to read the rest in this series. Would be fun to see as a movie if kept to authors descriptions!

Reviewed in School Library Journal (Jul 2000) and The Booklist (Oct 15, 1999).



5 reviews2 followers


June 21, 2013

This is by a long shot the very best science fiction novel I have ever read. Never mind how juvenile it is, I LOVE IT! The hole weird flavor of the story was so interesting and new to read when I first read the book in third grade. Soon after I kept on reading the hole series and I started reading some of Bruce Covilles other novels, like the "my teacher is an alien" series and it was out of this world! I would recommend this book to any young adult or child reader that is interested in really really really weird Sci-Fi novels.

R Leitner

12 reviews

December 31, 2014

This book, and the ensuing series, is a great introduction to "lite" science fiction. The series reads a lot like a tv-show, which, in fact, it was. It's fast paced and humorous, and the experiences and characters are close enough to reality, (new cultures, humanistic personality types), that children can relate to them.


56 reviews9 followers

December 21, 2015

This was a well-written commentary about the state of affairs in America, both politically and socially. Coville apparently carries a strong disdain for -isms and corruption, which he demonstrates by writing a seemingly simple children's story. This is some pretty intense stuff for 8-12 year olds, and I love it.

Jennifer Kim

14 reviews

November 30, 2011

When I know the story of this book, I can't imagine it. because this story is about the alien who is going to school. His name is Pleskit, the son of the first alien ambassador to earth. I like this book. It is interesing.



48 reviews4 followers

May 4, 2012

This would be a great book for my boys. There are enough fart and belch references to last them all day long. I'm not interested in reading more in the series myself, but I would certainly recommend it to some of my boys.


779 reviews

January 26, 2016

This book was okay. It was a good listen because it made me laugh at times, but it was nothing like what I was expecting. I was looking forward to it after reading "My teacher is an alien", but I was disappointed. I won't continue with this series.


20 reviews

June 25, 2008



2,031 reviews180 followers

September 12, 2008

We really enjoyed this as a book on tape.


K Grant

856 reviews9 followers

December 24, 2012

Imagine if Aliens came to earth and the first student on earth is in your class. - loved it!


402 reviews5 followers

January 18, 2016

Interesting for children, I guess.


1,024 reviews

January 17, 2017

This was fun!

Gillena Cox

Author12 books5 followers

September 18, 2017

Pleskit the Hevi-Hevian and Tim the earthling are best buds, here on earth. But Pleskit the Hevi-Hevian is expecting another alien [boy] from Hevi-Hevi named Maktel who was his best bud on Hevi-Hevi . The question is how will Tim react to this. Well as it turns out, not good at all. Tim and Maktel dislike each other from the first meeting; leaving Pleskit caught in the middle of a two-best-buds, dilemma.
Events enfold, and Maktel, who is carrying a secret message from his Motherly one, to be delivered only and in person to the Fatherly one of Pleskit, becomes suspicious of the alien trader, a male adult symbiotic being, named Ellico vec But; who, since a symbiotic being, is referred to as 'them' instead of 'him'.
As more events unfold, we the readers are caught unawares in a surprising book ending, of alien kidnapping of the [friends] by Ellico vec Bur.
Bruce Colville doesn't leave us, his readers, satisfied, oh no! he leaves us, with whetted appetites and curious questions.

Tony Perez and Valerie Johnson

100 reviews

May 16, 2019

Hysterical!! Loved it!!

I Was a Sixth Grade Alien (Sixth Grade Alien, #1) (2025)


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Author: Sen. Ignacio Ratke

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Name: Sen. Ignacio Ratke

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Introduction: My name is Sen. Ignacio Ratke, I am a adventurous, zealous, outstanding, agreeable, precious, excited, gifted person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.